Prof. T. Daniel Crawford

Principal Investigator

Laurie Good

Administrative Assistant

421E Davidson Hall Faculty Website 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 1100 (MolSSI)
Phone: 540-231-7760 Teaching Phone: 540-231-4457
Fax: 540-231-3255 Google Scholar Fax: 540-231-4008
Email: MolSSI Institute Email:

Zhe Wang

Brendan Shumberger

Jose Madriaga

Graduate Student Graduate Student Graduate Student
420 Davidson hall 420 Davidson hall 420 Davidson hall
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Sarah Mullen

Josh Atta-Kumi

Aparna Krishnan

Graduate Student Graduate Student Research Assistant Intern
420 Davidson hall 420 Davidson hall 420 Davidson hall
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Ritvik Prabhu

Undergraduate Student
420 Davidson hall










Former Members:

Dr. Benjamin G. Peyton, Ph.D. Student, 2016-2022 (Postdoc with Prof. Wilson at Michigan State University)
Mr. Aaron De Clercq, Spring Research Assistant Intern, Ghent University, 2022
Mr. Connor Briggs, Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech, 2017-2022
Dr. Monika Kodrycka, Postdoc, 2020-2022 (Quantum Software Engineer at Zapata Computing, Inc)
Dr. Kirk C. Pearce, Ph.D. Student, 2015-2021 (Senior Solution Architect at Chemaxon)
Dr. Ruhee D’Cunha, Ph.D. Student, 2016-2021 (Postdoc with Prof. Gagliardi at University of Chicago)
Ms. Susana Calderon, M.S. Student, 2018-2021
Dr. Alexander Bazante, Postdoc, 2017-2020 (IT Engineer at CGI)
Mr. Andrew M. James, 2014-2019, Ph.D. Student (Senior Software Engineer at Resource Management Concepts, Inc.)
Dr. Roberto Di Remigio, Postdoc, 2017-2019 (Research fellow, University of Tromsø, Norway)
Ms. Rageshwari Marolikar, Summer Research Fellow, IIT Bombay, 2018
Mr. Nikhil Bapat, Summer Research Fellow, IIT Bombay, 2018
Ms. Shree Sowndarya, Summer Research Fellow, IIT Bombay, 2017
Mr. Imaad Ansari, Summer Research Fellow, IIT Bombay, 2017
Dr. J. Coleman Howard, Postdoc, 2016-2018 (Senior research scientist at Size Stream, Inc.)
Dr. Rachel Glenn, Postdoc, 2016-2017 (Senior Software Engineer at Lockheed Martin)
Mr. Kotaru Sai Kiran, Summer Research Fellow, IIT Bombay, 2016
Mr. Rupanshu Ganvir, Summer Research Fellow, IIT Bombay, 2016
Mr. Jean Quertinmont, Visiting Scholar, U. Namur, Belgium, 2015
Dr. Joachim Friedrich, Visiting Scholar, U. Chemnitz, Germany, 2015
Dr. Javier Cerezo, Visiting Scholar, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Pisa, Italy, 2015
Dr. Benjamin Pritchard, Postdoc, 2014-2015 (Software Scientist at the MolSSI)
Ms. Ruhee D’Cunha, Summer Research Fellow, IIT Bombay, India, 2014
Mr. Vibin Abraham, Summer Research Fellow, IIT Bombay, India, 2014
Mr. Ayan Chatterjee, Summer Research Fellow, IIT Kharagpur, India, 2014
Dr. Ashutosh Kumar, Ph.D. Student, 2013-2018 (Postdoc with Prof. Edward Valeev at Virginia Tech)
Dr. Andrew Simmonett, Postdoc, 2013-2014 (Research Fellow in the Laboratory of Computational Biology at NIH)
Ms. Sangita Sen, Visiting Scholar, IACS Kolkata, India, 2012
Mr. Avijit Shee, Visiting Scholar, IACS Kolkata, India, 2012
Dr. Harley McAlexander, Ph.D. Student, 2010-2015 (Research Scientist at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Dr. Taylor Mach, Ph.D. Student, 2009-2014 (Term Professor of Chemistry at Concordia University)
Dr. Ben Mintz, Postdoc, 2008-2010 (Research Associate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Dr. Ryan Fortenberry, Ph.D. Student, 2007-2012 (Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of Mississippi)
Dr. Micah Abrams, Postdoc, 2005-2006 (CEO and CTO at Raptics, Inc., Alexandria, Virginia)
Dr. Mary C. Tam, Ph.D. Student, 2001-2006 (Assistant Professor at James Madison University)
Dr. Nicholas J. Russ, Ph.D. Student, 2001-2006 (Software Development Scientist at DNV GL)
Dr. Christopher E. Smith, Ph.D. Student, 2001-2006
Dr. Victor M. Rosas-Garcia, Postdoc, 2001-2003 (Professor at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León)